The Power of Awareness
Mindful practices for a more connected and fulfilled life.
Live Online Workshop (or receive recordings)
Meets Wednesdays, April 14th, 21st and 28th, 2021
9:30am - 11:00am
Regular Rate: $55
Sliding Scale Rate: $15-$45
Being more mindful is something we can all benefit from. We may have some 50,000 or more thoughts a day of which many are about the past, the future, or complete fantasy outside of reality. These constant thoughts outside of the present moment drain our vital energy and can be a source of anxiety, depression and overall sense of unhappiness.
When we pause and take time to be aware of our thoughts we open up to a real listening presence that clears away the constant chatter that can weigh us down and inhibit us to live fully with more clarity and compassion for ourselves and others. The poet Rumi points to this pause when he asks, "Do you pay regular visits to yourself?"
In this three part workshop we will explore mindful meditation techniques to cultivate the power of awareness by connecting to the body, the breath and your aliveness. It is an exploration in presence, in really cultivating a CLEAR and KIND attention, a RELAXED attentiveness to the present moment with a compassionate heart.
Our time together will include an integrative approach to the power of awareness through lecture, somatic full body awareness, breath awareness, seated meditation, lying meditation, and walking meditation. There will be time for Q & A after each live session. If you can’t make the live session and are watching the recording, you can email Lynne with any questions you may have. All registered students will receive a welcome video a few days before our first session to help you prepare for our time together.
This Workshop Is For You If:
You are wanting to live with more clarity and connection
You need easy and accessible tools for helping to manage stress and anxiety
You want to approach life with more compassion and kindness for yourself and all living beings
You are new to meditation and mindfulness practices​
If you have had a meditation practice in the past but need to get back to a regular practice
If you need support with your current meditation practice and have a desire to practice with others
Financial Support For This Workshop For Those in Need
Knowing that these simple practices have such a profound effect on our wellbeing, Lynne wants to make this workshop accessible to all students that have a desire to learn and make a positive change in their life and therefore a positive change in their community and in our world. With this in mind, this course is offered on a sliding scale. If you are unable to pay the regular course fee ($55) due to financial hardship, please respectfully choose from reduced sliding scale rate options ($15 - $45) at checkout.
Please share this workshop with anyone you know that could benefit from the power of awareness online workshop. It also makes a great gift!
Each session is taught LIVE on Zoom. Students are encouraged to attend the live sessions if they are able to. Knowing that not all students will be able to attend the live sessions, all sessions are recorded and will be available later that afternoon to all registered students. You will have access to all recordings for 10 days after they are posted.
You will need either a yoga mat or a soft surface for the lying portions of the practice. For seated meditation you can use a chair or meditation cushion/blanket/bench. In the welcome video, before the first scheduled workshop, Lynne will go over setting up for seated meditation for students who are newer to meditation.